To Life
Alright, I'm a little late to the game on this one. Tonight is Dining Out for Life, an event whereby some pretty rocktastic restaurants donate a portion of their proceeds from the evening to an AIDS agency in the region. Awesome.
Sam and Amanda, two of my favorite bitches EVER, are ambassadors for the dinner at ACME Chophouse tonight. So go.
I am a sorry piece of shit because I cannot go this evening what with the sister-in-law getting married on Saturday, but I did hop over here to donate some cash to the cause.
Lest you think I'm one of those folks who just throws money at a problem, let me share a little info. AIDS has always been first on my charity docket. (Although right now, Darfur is giving it a run for it's money -- seriously people, did we forget the fucking holocaust? We need to stop this shit!) I started an AIDS action committee back in my suburban Massachusetts high school where most people thought the only people with AIDS were "faggots." We raised $600 at during our lunch periods for one week by selling $2 red ribbons (I thought that was pretty impressive at the time). And a several years ago, I did an AIDS awareness show geared towards 4th and 5th graders.
I'm actually kind of pissed that we are still dealing with this disease almost 30 years later. Let's help to keep it under 40 years, yes?
OK, give me a second while I climb down from my soapbox.
If Sam and Amanda are able to double their $500 fundraising goal to reach $1000, I PROMISE Part 3 of El Bulli will go up by Friday, May 4th (I'm out of town until Monday so I think that's pretty fair considering it will be the bulk of the meal, right?).
Go out to eat! Save some lives! Everybody wins.
"To eat is a necessity. To eat intelligently is an art."
-- La Rochefoucauld