CONFESSIONS OF A                                                                  
A San Francisco Girl's Down and Dirty Adventures in the Culinary Playground

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I Have a Sickness

It is 6:48 on a Sunday morning. Why am I awake?

I'll tell you why.

I'm trying to get a reservation at Per Se for my anniversary.

How completely fucked up is that?


"To eat is a necessity. To eat intelligently is an art."
-- La Rochefoucauld


Blogger Sam said...

is that why you left the party early ;)

When I did that thing for Babbo, Cingular decided to fail me ["netwrok currently unavailable"] from 07:00:01 til 07:07:34
I was rushing around like a blue arsed fly trying to find another phone. Sometimes it might actually be useful to have a landline.

Oh well, we made in the end - hope you did/do too.

Why is my head so sore today?

6/11/2006 10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam - it hasn't anything to do with your perpetually full glass of champagne.

No, I believe it must be your ab fab head-banging during Karaoke!!!

6/11/2006 12:41 PM  

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