CONFESSIONS OF A                                                                  
A San Francisco Girl's Down and Dirty Adventures in the Culinary Playground

Monday, May 08, 2006

You Have No Idea

I have, once again, returned. I am both sick and exhausted, but it was totally worth it.

My week in DC was surprisingly awesome, despite being there as an usher of middle schoolers. I even managed to squeeze in a decent restaurant one night.

My time in Chicago (approximately 30 hours), however, was the experience of a lifetime. Quite simply, it fucking rocked.

I will post about Alinea as soon as I have more than 2 minutes to myself. What I will say is that I had no idea that a dining experience could be so incredible in so many ways. I am not opposed to flying back to Chicago just to eat there again. Really.

I can't wait to tell you all about it.


"To eat is a necessity. To eat intelligently is an art."
-- La Rochefoucauld


Blogger Joy said...

Don -- it was Pizza Paradiso in Georgetown

5/08/2006 10:29 AM  
Blogger shuna fish lydon said...

Did you eat at Eric Ziebold's restaurant in DC?

5/09/2006 12:08 AM  
Blogger Joy said...

Shuna -- there was no possible way for me to do that. We'd arrive at a location and give the kids two hours on their own at most, so I couldn't swing it.

5/09/2006 6:09 AM  

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