CONFESSIONS OF A                                                                  
A San Francisco Girl's Down and Dirty Adventures in the Culinary Playground

Monday, November 20, 2006

Parker Posey and a Free Dinner!

This was my exclamation as we left dinner last night.

After a thoroughly exhausting week of performing, Jon and I decided to go "home" for dinner. "It's our anniversary today -- 8 years!," we were told as we entered the restaurant. How perfect.

In honor of the event, we ordered ribollita, the first thing we ever tasted at Delfina (yep, you guessed it) eight years ago.

Craig and Annie were there dining with their most perfect child, Lucy (I've thought about stealing her, but then I wouldn't get to eat there anymore).

They gave free glasses of prosecco to everyone who came in. Hooray! We ate and ate and ate some more (soup, salad, a pasta, an entree and two desserts on top of the ribollita to be exact) and drank some, too.

When Annie left, she thanked *us* for being such loyal customers and for "helping to keep them in business." Um, Annie, hon, we hate to tell you but even without us you guys would still be beating people away with a stick. Still, it reminds just why we gravitate there whenever an important moment occurs in our lives. I love them so fucking much. As I told Annie, we will be there as long as they are.

Top that off with Parker Fucking Posey sitting in the corner. Parker Posey!!! There are few actors I love more than that bitch.

The cherry? Dinner was free. As in no cost. As in why-didn't-I-order-more-wine? Why, you ask? Because we've been loyal for eight years. I, mean, for fuck's sake -- can you believe that generosity???

They better be careful over there or I just might move in.


"To eat is a necessity. To eat intelligently is an art."
-- La Rochefoucauld

P.S. Northside San Francisco's November issue named me one of the 10 best food and wine blogs. Hooray!


Blogger Sam said...

now THAT's service!

11/21/2006 8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so if I went to dinner yesterday I would have gotten a free meal too? Everyone in the restaurant or just you guys?

11/21/2006 1:32 PM  
Blogger Joy said...

Haddock -- I think so...I don't know what he looks like, though. She *was* canoodling with someone.

Anonymous -- Um, no. Just us. I don't think any restaurant can afford to comp an entire evening's worth of diners (especially since it wasn't an invited event or anything).

11/21/2006 2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I miss Delfina. I now live across the street from a pretty amazing Northern Italian restaurant but I liked Delfina better.

I don't know if you ever read Bust Magazine but they had a great interview with Parker Posey in the last edition.

11/21/2006 3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeowww! You go, baby! If anyone deserves it, YOU do! Those two are a class act, and I'm sure they'll be around another 8... and another after that...

How much longer are you performing?

11/21/2006 5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm also in love with Parker Posey- she picks such wise films to be (I even have a guilty love for Dazed and Confused). You should listen to her recent interview on Fresh Air on NPR- she had some really interesting stuff to say.

Hope your play is going along spendidly...

11/22/2006 7:42 AM  
Blogger Joy said...


Until January 7th:).

11/22/2006 4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI - Parker Posey was also spotted at the Miss Trannyshack 2006 Pageant - you can find photos on flickr in Heklina's galleries.

Delfina and Trannyshack - not bad! Those are the two places I take all my out of town guests as well.

12/02/2006 7:10 PM  

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