CONFESSIONS OF A                                                                  
A San Francisco Girl's Down and Dirty Adventures in the Culinary Playground

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Aren't Birthdays the Greatest? (Mini update on Cyrus)

We just ate at Cyrus for the second time, to celebrate Jon's birthday this coming Tuesday.

Holy fucking crap is that place awesome.

Need proof? How about truffled red wine risotto with parmesan broth? I mean, that's just out of bounds crazy good, is it not?

If you have not been, just go already.

Jon did the foie gras three ways tonight and recanted his previous lukewarm review of the foie gras on our last visit. And the desserts sparkled tonight. That's right, bitches, set this house in order!

And my boyfriend wasn't even there tonight. His colleague, Jim, was though, and he was also super awesome. I'm seriously considering a three way.


"To eat is a necessity. To eat intelligently is an art."
-- La Rochefoucauld


Blogger bobgirrl said...

I'm going to Cyrus in March to celebrate the anniversary of my 27th birthday! I CAN'T WAIT!

1/18/2006 2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just went to Cyrus on my birthday (Jan 15) too. An absolutely amazing experience and definitely on par with the French Laundry. The caramel soup was the best birthday "cake" ever.

1/23/2006 3:17 PM  
Blogger Sam said...

ooked a table.
we need advice.
so the fussy one and I can both enjoy it.

2/21/2007 2:44 PM  

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