Stealing is Wrong
Yesterday, after enjoying a lovely brunch at The Slow Club with Jon (Man, I love that fried egg sandwich), we were bound for the east bay.
We were kickin' it in the Barnes and Noble, and since I already have too many books staring sadly at me from the coffee table, I decided to hit the magazine section in search of something that wouldn't require a huge commitment.
It was there that I saw San Francisco magazine and realized I had forgotten that August is their 50 best restaurants issue. So I gleefully snatched it up.
Thumbing through it, I saw the good (Shelley Lindgren from A16 being named best wine director), the bad (Michael Mina being named best chef) and the ugly, which I will tell you about now.
Behind the 50 best restaurants was an article entitled: "Confessions of a Food Weenie." "Hmmm," I thought. Then I read the first line of the article and saw that it was almost verbatim the first line I ever wrote on this blog. And then I pouted for the rest of the afternoon.
See, this is a lose-lose situation. If I'm being ripped off (which, I admit, is unlikely BUT anything is possible), that sucks. If I'm not, it means originality might not be my strong suit.
The article, written by Joshua Sens, is actually very entertaining and the similarities (basically) end with that first line. But it still really chapped my ass.
"To eat is a necessity. To eat intelligently is an art."
--La Rochefoucauld
Think of it this way - great minds think a like (or how ever the proverb goes..)?'re too kind to indulge my brat like tendencies:).
But you weren't 'the one' were you? You know - 'the one' he slags off for the letter they wrote him about copying new restaurant reviews?
I wonder who that was???
No, it wasn't me AT ALL...and I honestly don't think I was copied -- just being my cheeky self:)
we like CHEEKY in our neck of the woods
i knew you had your toungue in your cheek
all the best food bloggers do
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